This was July in Donna Sapiens! Some trips , some looks, and a lot to come!

Esto fue Julio en Donna Sapiens. Algunos viajes, algunos looks y mucho por venir!



Hola a todos , hoy les dejo mis ultimas adquisiciones de mi viaje por Buenos Aires , espero que les gusten!

Hello everyone, today I leave you my latest acquisitions of my trip of Buenos Aires, I hope you like them!



Hoy les dejo este look. Perfecto para caminar las calles de Buenos Aires .
Today I leave this look. Perfect for walking the streets of Buenos Aires.



...De repente abri un closet y encontre un monton de ropa vintage , decidi hacer una secion de fotos para mostraselas , es ropa vieja que se conserva muy bien , con unas telas y estampados que son para volverse loca!
Suddenly I opened a closet and found a lot of vintage clothes, I decided to do a photoshoot to show you this amazing pieces. Is old clothes that are very well preserved, with fabrics and patterns that are to go crazy!...

XOXO Donna.-

Argentinian Coture


Ayer les prometí moda , hoy les presento a los diseñadores de alta costura mas importante en la Argentina.

Yesterday I promised fashion, today I present you the designers of high fashion most important in Argentina.

Es un diseñador muy atrevido , siempre buscando que su modelo sea protagonista . Para esta colección eligió una gran cantidad de colores , pero quiero destacar estos azules y morados.
is a very daring designer, always looking for his models to be the star. For this collection he chose a lot of colors, but I want to highlight these blues and purples.

 Es un diseñador mas clásico , dedicado al sueño y la fantasía. En esta colección nos trae estos diseños en color marfil que destacan la belleza de la mujer argentina.
 Is a more classic designer, dedicated to the dream and fantasy. This collection brings these designs in ivory that highlight the beauty of argentina woman.

Con fotos blanco y negro utiliza los flecos para darle a su colección un toque retro. Uno de los mejores diseñadores de Alta Costura en la Argentina.
With black and white photos using  fringes to give his collection a vintage touch. One of the best haute couture designers in Argentina.

Marca creada por la actris Natalia Oreiro y Adriana Oreiro. Estas hermanas nos traen un estilo totalmente distinto al que estamos acostumbrados , fino y clasico , resalta la figura de la mujer.
Brand created by the actress Natalia Oreiro and Adriana Oreiro. These sisters bring us a completely different style than we're used to, very classy, stands the figure of the woman.

What do you think of argentinian coture?
Un kiss .
XOXO Donna.-





Saben que amo de Buenos Aires? Su inmensidad y diversidad. Para no quedar tan abrumada el primer día por el movimiento y la locura de esta gran ciudad , decidí alejarme un poco del centro e irme hacia Quilmes , un barrio de la ciudad de Buenos Aires. 
Hoy no les traigo moda , mas que el outfit que elegí para mi primer día , pero les regalo estos paisajes hermosos.
Un beso desde Buenos Aires y prometo postiar mañana algo bien fashion! 
You know what I love about Buenos Aires? It greatness and diversity. Not to be so overwhelmed the first day by the movement and madness of this great city, I decided to get away a bit from the city and go towards Quilmes, a suburb of Buenos Aires.
Today I bring you not a lot about fashion, only the outfit I chose for my first day, but I leave you some beautiful landscapes.
A kiss from Buenos Aires and tomorrow promise to post something about fashion!


Bienvenidos a Buenos Aires. 
Acabo de llegar a la capital de la republica Argentina para mostrarles lo mejor de esta ciudad . Su moda , su gente , su cultura , etc.
Desde hoy hasta el 28 voy a estar postiando y subiendo todas las noticias de la moda argentina y mundial desde acá , desde su capital.
Estan listos?
Welcome to Buenos Aires.
I just arrived in the capital of the Republic of Argentina to show you all the best of this city. Its trendy, its people, culture, etc..
From today until 28 I'll be posting all the argentinian and intenational fashion from argentna's capital , BUENOS AIRES!
Are you ready?

Top 3 Tv Series

 Today's post is dedicated to the top three tv serie every fashion blogger has to see:
Was a TV series of U.S. cable based on the book of the same name by Candace Bushnell. It first aired by HBO from 1998 until 2004. Set in New York City, the show is about the lives and loves of four women who are very good friends,(Carrie, Charlotte, Miranda and Samatha) . A situation comedy with dramatic elements, the show often tackled about socially relevant issues like the role of women in society.


Is a American television series  about teen drama based on the novels of the same name written by Cecily von Ziegesar. The series was created by Josh Schwartz and Stephanie Savage, and premiered on The CW television network on September 19, 2007.
Narrated by a blogger known as Gossip Girl (voiced by Kristen Bell), the story revolves around a young privileged socialite's Upper East Side of Manhattan in New York. 


Is an American television series based on the book series of the same name written by Sara Shepard.  Alison DiLaurentis mysteriously disappears one summer night in Rosewood. Her four best friends Aria Montgomery, Hanna Marin, Spencer Hastings and Emily Fields are the last to see her alive. They remake their life, until a year later the body of Alison appears buried in his old home. The girls receive anonymous messages from a person who is known as "A", who seems to know every secret, only known by Alison. During the series the girls try to discover both the identity of A as the identity of the murderer of Ali.

If you haven't seen them yet I recomend you to do it . And if you had , wich one would you vote as the better one?

Look #1


Look #1 es perfect to seduce and make others fall in love. Is simple and of colours that never fails, is a donna sapien's original done by me is perfect of the night . To disco or to specific parties. What do you think? Would you wear this dress?

 El look#1 es perfecto para seducir y enamorar. Simple y con colores que nunca fallan , este donna sapiens original echo por mi , es recomendado para la noche. Tanto para discotecas como fiestas especificas. Que piensan? Usarian este look?

Keep calm and be yourself!


Today's illustration is a comfortable look and a little bitt disheveled but it looks great. We have often heard the phrase, fashion hurts. Maybe in some cases yes, but it also serves to demonstrate that you can be very cute and trendy and not suffer at all!

La ilustracion de hoy , es un look comodo y medio desareglado. Muchas veces hemos escuchado la frase , la moda duele. Puede que en algunos casos si , pero esto tambien sirve para demostrar que se puede estar muy linda y a la moda y no sufrir nada!

Dancing with my self!


So this is my look of today! Hope you like ! 

Este es mi look de hoy , espero que les guste!

Dear Colombia...


Tengo que admitir que este post es devido a una pequeña envidia que le tengo a todos los que en este momento estan disfrutando del verano. Por eso , para recordar un poco el calor y el sol , les dejo un post sobre mis vacaciones de enero , cuando fui a visitar a unos amigos a Colombia. Que pais hermoso dios mio , tan verde , tan calido . La gente es tan amable y divertida que es imposible estar de mal humor.
Visite Medellin , Cartajena y Bogota , tres ciudades que hay que conocer!

I have to admit that this post is as result of a little envy I have for all those who are now enjoying the summer. So to remember a little bitt the sun, I leave you a post about my vacation in January, when I went to visit friends in Colombia. My god what a  beautiful country, so green, so warm. People are so friendly and funny it is impossible to be grumpy.
Visited Medellin, Cartagena and Bogota, three cities to be known!

Happy one year aniversary!


El post de hoy esta dedicado a mi amigo Will de Poisonique. Hoy cumple un año con su blog y yo se lo festejo de esta manera. Es simplemente para agradecerle todo lo que ha hecho por mi y por mi blog. 
Es una simple ilustracion hecha por mi y que van a poder ver en el fondo de su twitter . Felicitaciones Poisonique por este año y por muchos mas.

Today's post is dedicated to my friend Will of Poisonique. Today is his one year aniversary with his blog and I'll celebrate him like this. It is just to thank him for all he has done for me and my blog.
It is a simple illustration done by me and that you will be able to see at the background of his twitter. Congratulations Poisonique for this year and many more.

Leave you his blog so you can see how wonderfull he is: http://www.poisonique.com/

XOXO Donna.-

Good bye June , WELCOME JULY!!


Como el titulo lo dice esto fue Junio en Donna Sapiens. Muchas gracias por el apoyo , por los comentarios y por seguirme. Es tan lindo recibir comentarios y saber que lo que uno hace , desde las ilustraciones hasta los looks , son apreciados por otras personas. Les prometo que lo que se viene en Julio es mucho mejor. 

As the title says this was June in Donna Sapiens. Thank you very much for the support, for the comments and follow me. It's so nice to receive comments and know that what you do, from the illustrations to the looks are appreciated by others. I promise you that what is coming in July is much better.
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