
Argentinian Coture


Ayer les prometí moda , hoy les presento a los diseñadores de alta costura mas importante en la Argentina.

Yesterday I promised fashion, today I present you the designers of high fashion most important in Argentina.

Es un diseñador muy atrevido , siempre buscando que su modelo sea protagonista . Para esta colección eligió una gran cantidad de colores , pero quiero destacar estos azules y morados.
is a very daring designer, always looking for his models to be the star. For this collection he chose a lot of colors, but I want to highlight these blues and purples.

 Es un diseñador mas clásico , dedicado al sueño y la fantasía. En esta colección nos trae estos diseños en color marfil que destacan la belleza de la mujer argentina.
 Is a more classic designer, dedicated to the dream and fantasy. This collection brings these designs in ivory that highlight the beauty of argentina woman.

Con fotos blanco y negro utiliza los flecos para darle a su colección un toque retro. Uno de los mejores diseñadores de Alta Costura en la Argentina.
With black and white photos using  fringes to give his collection a vintage touch. One of the best haute couture designers in Argentina.

Marca creada por la actris Natalia Oreiro y Adriana Oreiro. Estas hermanas nos traen un estilo totalmente distinto al que estamos acostumbrados , fino y clasico , resalta la figura de la mujer.
Brand created by the actress Natalia Oreiro and Adriana Oreiro. These sisters bring us a completely different style than we're used to, very classy, stands the figure of the woman.

What do you think of argentinian coture?
Un kiss .
XOXO Donna.-


Unknown at: July 19, 2012 at 12:14 PM said...

OMG..I love the first photo!CLAUDIO COSANO??? I need to check this design out...I low how he designed the ankle accessories above the shoes!!! i think I am gonna try..very cool!!! I need to ck out all these Argentinean designer soon. I love Argentina!!!! and i really think you guys are really stylish!! I need to post sty about this amazing country soon:))


VintageDanielle at: July 19, 2012 at 3:17 PM said...

So gorgeous and wonderful use of color and sparkle; it's really glam!

Jdavismoranti at: July 19, 2012 at 7:28 PM said...

I love these photos! The Argentinean aesthetic is amazing!!!


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