
Passion for fashion.


So I know I've been a little bit dissapeared lately. But I am back with some news.
The first thing I have to tell you is I left college , I was studing history of art and I realised I needed to develope this passion for fashion I have. That's why I'll be starting fashion's next year . I am really happy because is what I always wanted to do but I was really scared .
And the second new is I'll try to start my new brand , so you would be able to see some things soon. I'll be selling my clothe in my city , but you would help and tell me if you like.
So what do you think? If you have a passion for something , do you have to work hard for it? or just go for the safe and easy  and maybe not do what you love?


Jdavismoranti at: June 18, 2012 at 11:14 AM said...

Wow! Thats a big move, i wish all the luck on your endeavors!


Unknown at: June 18, 2012 at 12:49 PM said...

Your blog is adorable, I'm fallowing you now :)



Hannah R. at: June 18, 2012 at 12:59 PM said...

yes i think its definitely best to go for something that you are passionate about! because otherwise life will get boring and you will regret things! good luck though <3

Poisonique FP at: June 18, 2012 at 5:54 PM said...

You're gonna rock the world with your talent, Donna!
I'm up for anything you want me to help.

Good luck and best wishes!

Sabrina at: June 18, 2012 at 9:23 PM said...

How exciting! I had studied chemistry for three years when I decided to go to fashion college. It was one of the hardest decisions in my life, but now I'm so glad I made it. Doing what you're passionate about is the only right thing.
And I'm looking forward to seeing the clothes you make!
I wish you the best of luck with your plans. :)

a pixie's view on fashion

Tipsy Valqui at: June 18, 2012 at 9:57 PM said...

Omg CONGRATS! you must do what you really like (; I'm following you on GFC and on FB, x


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