
Feria Americana.


This post is dedicated to all those people who can dress well without spending a fortune. Ever heard of an American fair? Here in Argentina are very common because people sell vintage clothing and accessories at a great price. For example, the silk shirt you can see in the photos cost 3 dollars. The accesories are also vintage but I didn't buy them , they belonged to my grandma. In some other post I 'll show other great staff I bought in an american fair fron nothing.

Este post esta dedicado a todas esas personas que pueden vestirse muy bien sin gastar una fortuna. Alguna vez escucharon hablar de una feria americana? Aca en Argentina son muy comunes porque la gente vende ropa y accesorios vintage a muy buen precio. Por ej , la camisa de seda que pueden ver en las fotos costo 3 dolares. Los accesorios tambien son vintage pero no los compre , pertenecieron a mi abuela. En otro posteo les voy a mostrar mas cosas geniales que compre en feria americana por casi nada de dinero.


Anonymous at: June 29, 2012 at 11:09 PM said...

How cool! We don't have any vintage fairs here and even the thrift stores don't carry anything wearable :( I love vintage clothes, I'd love to get some around here and not having to order them online!

Your shirt looks fabulous!

a pixie's view on fashion

Laura R. at: June 29, 2012 at 11:31 PM said...

I like your blouse and your boots, gorgeous outfit! :))))

Unknown at: June 30, 2012 at 3:11 AM said...

soo vintage! Great post!

Luv, Nyt
Metajojuana under a Starry Nyt

Unknown at: July 1, 2012 at 3:44 AM said...

cool post!


Marina Diaz - Moda y Tendencias en Buenos Aires at: July 5, 2012 at 8:10 PM said...

Me encanta tu estilo y tu blog! Saludos!

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