


Cuando de repente todo esta bien las cosas empiezan a cambiar. Y no es que este mal , simplemente no estamos acostumbrados al cambio. Nos da miedo que todo lo que planiemos ya no sea asi , porque en ese cambio en el que todo se ve distinto , estamos nosotros , mas raros que nadie . 
Nos empezamos a dar cuenta que muchos sueños , gustos e ideas ya no son prioridades como lo solían ser. Y eso es lo confuso de crecer , nadie nos avisa que va a ser asi. 
Porque nadie nos avisa que un dia nos vamos a ver haciendo cosas que juramos nunca hacer o que de repente todo nos va a parecer extraño y nos vamos a sentir tan solos?
Ahora , lo bueno de crecer es tomar tus propias decisiones , ya nadie te dice como hacer las cosas y ahi vienen las equivocaciones, las cuales te enseñan y te hacen crecer aún mas rápido.

Suddenly when all is OK things start to change. This isn't wrong, we're just not used to change. We fear that everything we've planed isn't like that anymore, because in that huge change in which everything looks so different, we are the most rare ones.
We began to realize many dreams, tastes and ideas are not as used to be. And that's confusing to grow, no one warns us that it will be like that.
Because no one tells us that one day we will see eachothers doing things we swore we would never do or that suddenly everything is going to seem strange and we'll feel so alone.
Now, the good thing about grow up is to make your own decisions, and the fact that no one tells you how to do things and there you make your own mistakes, which teach you and make you grow even faster.



Unknown at: August 10, 2012 at 2:23 PM said...

That's a great picture! :)

Lots of love,

Enter my studded corset giveaway in collaboration with Kat Valdez!

Christine at: August 12, 2012 at 6:43 PM said...

Hmmm...well, I am use to change. the consistencies in my life have really been family, church and dance, because I have been to a lot of schools and moved. But I think we are all adaptable... but we need consistencies too.

:) I am now your NEWEST follower GFC! I hope you can stop by my blog and let me know what you think- I hope you can follow back now too. Have a great week!

God bless,

Mary-Grace at: August 15, 2012 at 2:54 PM said...

i love this illustration

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